
to use for retreats, events, or workshop page.jpg

I have had the good fortune of teaching Yoga to kids since 2009. They have taught me much about free spirit, imagination, and inspired, creative action. Now, it’s my intention to bring some of that into your experience, to be discovered by you in realizing parts of yourself covered over by years of obligation and restraint that have long been waiting to emerge. Giving yourself permission to expand and renew your connection to your inner being is an important opportunity. It gives you the freedom to discover new choices. Holding a safe space for your creative expression and supporting you with tried and true yogic principals is the nature of what I call, “danayoga”.


It’s an exploration into your relationship with your intuitive Self, your true nature. It is your direct connection to Divine Source and it is always present. Fluid motions while observing the breath loosens up tightness in the mind and body engaging in the body’s natural movements and rhythms. Being consciously aware of the breath in relationship to action requires a letting go of scattered thoughts causing one to focus on “the now”. The result is a powerful feeling of renewed connectedness and expanded mobility. Creating this state of mental and physical coherency can lead to an uplifting of the spirit opening the pathway to a satisfied life.


